
Drew Burton Strikes Again With A New Scam....

Welcome everyone to PayOutPro Scam....the official blog that aims to show you why you SHOULD NOT invest your money. Lately it’s come to my attention that the same scammer and con man based in Canada who goes by the name of Drew Burton, has started a new scam called PayOutPro ( and this somewhat deeply troubled me as I, along with countless others whose names I will reveal later, fell victim to his last rev share scam which was called My24HourIncome, which he used to fund his home, his car, his holidays and countless other luxuries out of everyone’s earnings. So Who Is Drew Burton? He Strikes Again With His New Scam So We Are Onto Him This Time He blatantly took everyone for a fool, he systematically robbed us all to the tune of $30 million bucks, and now he will probably do exactly do the same again, and yet everyone seems to have either fallen for this idiots vacant charm and disgusting lies or greed has gotten in the way again. No matter what the e...
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